The mast steps we collected 20 pieces from the mast collapse sailboat for $50. The decision was not to buy folding mast steps that will cost more about $25 per piece. The different of the price we can manage to get other things to enhance the boat.
This little Sailboat had its rigging entangle with a fishing boat’ while rafted up during a violent winter storm. It’s mast unfortunately weekend by rot lost the dual.s
2 years later I noticed that it had mast steps.
A phone call to the owner (lighthouse keeper) a deal was struck and then an hour on a very greasy coach roof saw us with 20 mast steps
100 stainless screws later!
So now we have mast steps!
Old but still with lots of service left in them.
This second hand mast steps allow quick access to the cross trees when entering lagoons to see the coral heads that invest most anchorages.
Salt, aluminium and stainless cause problems
My spinnaker boom pistons had frozen
Still goop, coke, wd 40 and plenty of scraping saw the end of them eventually loosen and work like new again.
So sometimes you try to fix something and bugger the whole show up.
Son in Law to the rescue
soon had the mast tangle sorted
So onward and upward! 2 hours later and back to the starting point.
Mean while I now managed to fix the furler that was jamming on a regular basis.
Then the first screw hole into the mast.
Pop rivet guns are made for men with hands the size of gorillas!
Still bit by bit pop rivet by pop rivet!
I maybe smiling ,but these harnesses are not that comfortable
Nine steps later with the sun starting to get low in the spring sky I thankfully ran out of rivets.
Yip a smile. Darn the pain would now cease.
3 more to the cross trees. I do not have enough to go to the top yet but the cross trees are our primary goal.
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