The final preparation for our plan | Grocery shopping

Hello there,

We are back to update our blog. We have been disconnected for a few weeks what a shame! Gladly that we can comeback to continue for a regular post. Regarding to our replay in posting the end of June as we were busy leaving a lovely place Gitwinksihlkw. It was a hard time for us with a bitter-sweet feeling while clearing all the belonging and leaving the house, say goodbye to the wilderness place and nice people, especially the wonderful children and staff at our school. We give away most things we love to use.  In the fact that the more possession the more worry, We choose some stuff that necessary for the journey.  Kiss goodbye to the most electronic equipment/kitchen ware. We decided to start a new life style with less belonging. Less comfortable life style and love to be a small part of the big nature.

“It is so hard to leave—until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.” ― John Green   

At Costco we bought the most can products. We finally get it from Alberta because it is free from sale tax.

60 cans of Corn Beef

xx Tuna

xx Chicken breast

xx Pineapple

xx Peach

xx Sweet corn

Honey, Peanut, snacks, Red wine, chocolate, Olive oil, pancake mixed,

shampoo for 6 months use, toothpaste, etc.

Up coming post

  • French Polynesia visa


  1. I’m sure that you must be really excited about finally beginning your big trip. I didn’t realize that you were also making a major life change in addition. As you can probably tell from our blog, we believe that simpler is always better. I wish you and your husband all the best for the voyage, and your new life. โชคดี James

    1. THANK YOU James, It seems that we are now delay almost one month. There are still have things unfinished and for some equipments to be arrive. I am quite happy to live on boat right now. (When it is not cold and rain is best) The inconvenience things might be to make clean laundry (now I must call wash cloth by hand), shower at the cockpit and clean dishes. I am trying to do my best! no Thai food presentation during this time 🙂 (Just a few pots and pan) Ciao,

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