LAPAZ, Baja California Sur December 2021 We anchored in La Paz Harbor for 45 days to repair engines, replace inverters, repair refrigerator and most importantly a freshwater machine and check the boat storage location in the monsoon season. There was a heavy rain in La Paz before new year. The first time to see 2 hours pouring rain during winter which is quite interesting for us. Fresh rain helped wash all dust away also flood and changed colour in marina de La Paz separated from ocean blue to river brown. The neighbor New Zealand military boat seems had a problem with the mexican navy more often because their boat look like the Navy boat.

Log book
January 1st, 2022 anchorage at Bahia Falsa, in front of Playa El Tesoro beach. Same day later “SV Australia South Port” arrived. Saxon and Holly a couple left from Bamfield. Next day ship “Content” Scott and Tori arrived after they spent Christmas and new year on Isla Espiritu. Scott told us that they were glad to came here. There was a cold wind and boat moving mostly while out there.
31 Days anchorage in Bahia Falsa

You cannot have it both ways.
Bahia Falsa is about 7.5 miles or 12 km. from our previous anchorage. Water is cleaner and peaceful anchorage. We lose the convenience of buying food, drinking water as well as taking a walk on Malecon. Stephen said we got a good Telcel Signal here, not far from the gas station and getting to Isla Espiritu Santo is easy. Most importantly, we do not have to be afraid that our boat will collide with anyone.To get to town. We tried the blue bus but on some days such Sunday the bus does not seems to run. So we call a Taxi Cab. Regular Taxi that we use name Oscar, former English teacher. Oscar won’t let his passengers get lonely as he will invite you to talk and teach you Spanish at the same time.

January 6th, 2022 Motoring to Get Diesel gasoline at Marina Costa Baja spent 3,000 pesos and walk to quick shopping at the market marina which is pricey. January 7th, 2022 Leave Bahia Falsa by motoring and later with breezy light enough wind we put headsail to Isla Partida-Espiritu Santo. It was already started windy while we approached to the anchorage. stayed 7th - 10th. The average of sailboats about 6 sailboats in this room. Sunshine calm for only 1 day and the rest windy. *p.s. Read more our next post. We keep espiritu santo all together for our next post to not interrupted with Bahia Falsa. January 11th 2022 Leave Isla Espiritu Santo to Bahia Falsa

Rescue sea turtle and Solo sailor who was about to drown. That day, we set up an observation club “SAIL TEAM SIX’
January 14th 2022 SAIL team six (Regarding Seal team SIX) We operated to safe sea turtle from fisherman’s net. 7 a.m. Woke up this morning to drink coffee. Overlook the view of fisherman’s camp. Saw one turtle came up to surface to breathe and turn over. This is quite big turtle that flip over. So I wonder why this big turtle is still swimming at the same spot. More than an hour later, another turtle, most likely a female, swam in the distance, looking like a shackle that was caught in a net. And it tried to wriggle and breathe. So I asked Stephen So take the boat to observe. I saw the net on his back. I wasn't sure at first that the fishermen would trap the turtles to eat. But when we saw it, we greeted him and asked. Francisco can speak well English and Jose to come to pull their ghost net. It makes me worried because we don’t know that they deliberately to get sea turtle to be food. I directly asked Francisco to be sure.He replied that they do not eat turtle meat. However, Stephen is still not 100% convinced. P.S. in October 2021 bbc news report that more than 300 sea turtles found dead on Mexican coast. In the end, Stephen and I contributed money to him that helped set this turtle free. We understand that they have a hard time earning money and this beach is not as fertile as before. After the sun set around 6.30 p.m. As I came out to look at the view at the cockpit and observe events according to vision Francesco took the boat out to get marijuana for Jose from the boat he knew.Then periodic calls for help were heard. I was convinced that the man called was the boat behind us. At that moment, I thought his ship might be in danger or about to sink. So Stephen called to take a look. We told the catamaran boat next to us, where the chatter rang out. After I tried to yell at the ships in this area to help this guy. But no one seemed to care. until Stephen had to shout. We reach his boat, Luca III. He was clinging to the lowest steps and was unable to climb the stairs. because he lost his footing as he crossed from dinghy to the ladder and slipped. Fortunately, Stephen was sane and strong enough to carry a heavy man. Then three Russian men from the catamaran came in and asked if they could help. He thanked us for saving his life.

SAIL Team Six
OUR NEXT POST : Revisit Isla Espiritu Santo and Isla Partida
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